Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Clean Teeth = Happy Heart

Regular dental cleanings can prevent heart attacks.

Yes, that’s really true! Doctors have learned that there is a connection between the bacteria that cause gum disease and the inflammation that causes dangerous diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. The inflammation enters the bloodstream through the mouth and travels to vulnerable parts of the body. Good oral health is vital for good overall body health! 

You've no doubt heard it said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In dentistry, you might say it's worth two pounds. Maybe even thousands of dollars. That's because dental problems can become exponentially more expensive — and painful — the longer they go unaddressed. Fortunately, modern dentistry has many easy and relatively inexpensive ways to make sure that today's minor annoyance does not turn into tomorrow's major headache.

Preventive dentistry describes all the procedures used to arrest tooth decay and other diseases in the earliest stages. The goal is to keep you as healthy as possible and maintain your natural teeth for life. 

Please call to schedule your dental cleaning today!


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