Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Oral Cancer Screening is Critical

Front of the mouth oral cancers, usually related to tobacco use, heavy alcohol consumption or a genetic predisposition in a small number of cases, often produce visible pre-cancerous tissue changes that can be seen with the naked eye. 

In the very rear of the mouth known as the oropharynx, cancer can occur related to tobacco, use but now more frequently it is caused by the HPV16 virus, one that is commonly associated with cervical and other cancers. Therefore, do not think that because you are a non-smoker that you should skip these important screenings. 

Oropharyngeal cancers occur frequently in the tonsils and at the base of the tongue where it begins to curve down into the throat. Both these areas are hard to visualize, and early cancers in these areas do not often produce surface changes that a screener can see. 

Because of this, a good screening will incorporate verbal questions about symptomology that an individual might experience, but be unaware that it is an early warning sign for the development of a cancer in this region.

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