Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Gratitude - The Mother of All Virtues

November kicks of the reminder that this is a season of thanksgiving. Ask yourself when was the last time you said thank you? When was the last time you told someone you appreciated what they did for you? 

It is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. This month we challenge you to slow things down a little by expressing thanks. How you choose to do this is up to you. It could take the form of performing an act of kindness or service. It could be smiling at the person you meet on the street. The possibilities are endless, but the power of gratitude is like a pebble in a pond. The ripple effect is endless and can literally change someone's life.

Set a goal to sincerely express gratitude every day this month in some form. See how this not only changes the people around you but see how it changes you.

THANK YOU for being our 
wonderful patients and friends!

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