Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cheer Your Child On!

Getting your children to brush their teeth consistently can be a challenge. We recognize this, and have gone through the same things with our children. What you may not realize, however, is that these small efforts can pay big dividends down the road.

The time you have to instill good habits in your children is limited. Before you know it they will be old enough to make those decisions on their own, and we know your efforts will pay off, even if it feels like a struggle now.

World Dental had a great article on how to encourage your kids to brush and floss. We wanted to highlight two tips they offered.

Have The Right Tools
Companies make kids’ dental hygiene products for a reason. Get your kids a fun toothbrush, perhaps one that lights up or sings, in addition to a tasty and child-friendly tooth paste. Many parents make the mistake of disallowing their kids to use bubble gum or fruit toothpaste because they fear that their children’s teeth aren’t getting as clean as they would if they used a regular mint paste. However, as long as you’re using a dentist-approved brand like Colgate or Crest, you can rest assured that these kids’ toothpastes are just as effective as their adult counterparts.
Make it Musical
Ideally, your child should spend two minutes brushing his or her teeth. Creating some kind of musical timer system that plays for two minutes and ends when they may stop brushing is a great idea to train your kids on how long to brush. If you don’t want to sing or create a playlist, invest in one of the many toothbrushes that come in with a built-in musical timer.
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