Wednesday, November 14, 2012

You Have a Cold, Why Do Your Teeth Hurt?

It's not uncommon during cold and flu season for us to receive a call from a patient who is experiencing painful symptoms in their teeth while at the same time they are suffering from a head cold.  There was a great article from explaining the correlation between these two symptoms.

"You’re sniffling, coughing, and sneezing, and your sinuses feel as if they've gone on strike. You have a cold, or worse, the flu. As if that’s not bad enough, now your teeth are starting to ache. How can that be? Is there a connection between what’s going on with your drippy nose and your teeth? And is there anything you can do to ease the pain when your teeth have a “cold”?

The common cold is an acute infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by one or more of several viruses. Symptoms of the common cold may vary depending on the part of the respiratory tract involved, but almost all patients have nasal discharge, nasal congestion, and a sore throat.  Some patients may complain of fatigue and cough; other less-common symptoms include fever, headache, earache, and sensitive teeth.
In some cases, the common cold is brought on by a virus that causes a sinus infection. Symptoms of a
sinus infection are headache and severe pain localized in the region of the involved sinus. However, the roots
of the upper premolars and molars, along with the nerves supplying these structures, are in proximity to
the upper sinus. This relationship explains why dental symptoms are frequently associated with upper jaw sinus disease. The upper teeth close to the infected sinus also often ache, feel elongated, and are sensitive to pressure."

Alleviating toothache pain associated with the common cold or a sinus infection is possible.  We've discussed at length the importance of good oral hygiene habits; these include brushing at least twice a day, flossing every day and using a mouth rinse like Smart mouth will all improve your ability to fight off toothache pain.  

As you choose to eat healthy foods you strengthen your body's ability to fight off viruses faster.  If your teeth hurt during your sinus infection you can eat soft foods and avoid extreme temperatures in your food choices.  Often antibiotics are prescribed with sinus infections along with antihistamine usage.  May we suggest that you increase your water intake simultaneously.  Your body will be able to rid itself of the virus or infection easier and the water will keep your body's fluids loose and flowing.  This can cut down on the toothache pain as well.

Please feel free to call us if you are 
experiencing intense toothache pain due 
to a sinus infection or cold.

(541) 451-1440 or 

TEXT us at 541.6DC.DDS2


  1. Thanks. It answers my question but sadly not the molar pain. Will discuss with my doctor about sinus infection.

  2. I quit smoking and I'm smoke free for 10 days but I also have a horrible flu. Wonder which one is the reason being my aching teeth.

  3. what medicine can I take that doesn't need to be prescribed

  4. I got each and every solution for mycommon cold from Web Health Network. They're the best in this field.

  5. My final tip - don't inhale often thru nose as you can't afford exposure to cold air; therefore mostly inhale the cold oxygen air into mouth, and then mostly exhale your own warmer carbon air out of nose! And last of all a heat fan onto face helps though not as good as sweating out the cold via continuous stove to pot sealed boiling steamy water - I'm no Doc. I'm just very highly intelligent to my awareness!

  6. My jaws are so sore along with this cold/flu. I'm at doctor now I'll see what he tell me and share my information..
