Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Is Your Child Missing School?

Has your child missed valuable instruction time at school due to dental problems?

Surprisingly 31% of parents answer in the affirmative that they have had to pull their child out of school due to a dental problem.

In a study conducted by Dental Dental, they broke down the school absenteeism in this fashion:

  • How much school missed: 18 percent of parents reported their children missed at least a half a day of school, four percent said their children missed one day, four percent reported children missing two days and six percent said their children had to miss three or more days.
  • By region: School children in the Northeast reported the most absences because of a dental issue, with 36 percent of parents reporting their six to 12 year olds missed school, followed by the South (33 percent) , the Midwest (28 percent) and the West (28 percent).
  • By parents' age: Parents age 35-44 reported the most amount of school missed by their children (35 percent), followed closely by parents 18-34 (34 percent), while parents 45 and older reported the least amount of school missed (19 percent).
So what does this data tell us? Many of the oral health care issues our children, and even ourselves experience, can be thwarted with a few simple tips. You've heard these steps or tips before, but they bear repeating, especially if it can help your children remain in school.

  • Brush all surfaces of the teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Brush gently for about two minutes and pay special attention to the gum line.
  • Floss at least once a day.
  • Limit not only sugary snacks but also high-starch or refined carbohydrate foods. These include foods like chips, pretzels, cookies, breads, and dried fruits, including raisins. The bacteria that cause tooth decay thrive on simple sugars, especially those in sticky foods and treats.
  • Limit fruit juice or other sweet/sugary drinks to mealtimes. Between meals and especially at bedtime, give your child water, it keeps them hydrated and helps prevent tooth-decay if your community water is fluoridated.
  • And, of course, go to the dentist early enough before school starts to learn about current or looming issues that could pose a problem. 
lt is our hope that by reviewing these simple tips and evaluating your own personal habits of oral health care and hygiene in your home, you will find happier, healthier mouths and brighter children because they are not missing school or suffering needlessly from dental issues that can be avoided.

If you have any questions about your dental needs, please do not hesitate to call. One phone call can save yourself time and money by preventing further problems from developing.

We are here to help!
(541) 451-1440

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