Wednesday, September 28, 2016

National Good Neighbor Day

Today is National Good Neighbor Day. Did you know that? To be honest, we didn't either, but what a great idea!

The greatest part about our office is our wonderful patients. We wouldn't be in business without you. We have met so many amazing people over the years and we wanted to thank each and every one of you for making such a positive contribution not only to our office but to your neighborhoods and communities as well.

Here is a little history about National Good Neighbor Day:

National Good Neighbor Day

Date When Celebrated : Always September 28, previously the Fourth Sunday in September
Ah, Good Neighbor Day. It's definitely a good thing. Being good neighbors is an important part of the social fiber that makes this country so great. Therefore,  it seems only fitting that one day a year honors good neighbors.
This day of recognition is not to be confused with other forms of "Good Neighbor Days". Stores proclaim "Good Neighbor Days" to promote sales, a wide range of organizations announce "Good Neighbor Days" to promote their cause, and local municipalities and governments proclaim "Good Neighbor Days" for a variety of reasons.
Rather, this day is to truly recognize and appreciate your good neighbor. Hopefully, one of those good neighbors is you!

In the early 1970's, Mrs. Becky Mattson from Lakeside, Montana recognized the importance of good neighbors, and started the effort to make this a National day. With the help of congressman Mike Mansfield, she succeed in getting three presidents (Nixon, Ford, and Carter)  to issue proclamations, along with numerous governors. 
In 2003, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution, sponsored by Montana Senator Max Baucus, making September 28, National Good Neighbor Day. Previously, this day was celebrated on the fourth Sunday of September.
 Note: Rhode Island initiated a  movement to pass a National Neighbor Day on the Sunday before Memorial Day. Action never materialized into a formal national proclamation or law.

How to Celebrate:
Here are some suggestions for celebrating the day:
  • Help your neighbors in some way.
  • Offer a smile and friendly hello to your neighbor
  • Have your neighbor over for a meal
  • Hold a block party
  • Get to know your neighbor a little better
So how are you going to celebrate Good Neighbor Day? Find a way to brighten the days of those around you by saying thanks, or performing a small act of service that lets your neighbors know just how much you appreciate them!

Thanks for making a difference in our lives!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Gum Recession Surgery Revolutionized!

Have you heard about this new procedure Dr. Clark offers? Gum grafting or gum surgery to repair gum recession can be horribly painful. There is a new, almost painless procedure developed by Dr. Chao that has revolutionized this surgery.

If gum recession is something you struggle with, please speak with Dr. Clark. You will be amazed at your results.  But don't take our word for it! 

We've included some patient testimonial links at the bottom of this blog post. Take a listen, and call today to schedule for consult with Dr. Clark.

Here is a link to our website so you can learn more about this revolutionary solution to gum recession.

Call today!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Routines Rule!

It's back to school time and the calm mornings of summertime have given way to the chaotic circus which dominates morning routines during the school year. 

Finding the best way to help your family stay calm amidst the chaos can seem undaunting but it is possible. With technology today, ideas are at your fingertips within the world wide web.

In a quick search this morning we found two job charts that could be easily implemented into a family's morning routine that would lessen anxiety, promote organization and accomplishment for all involved. Creating a small incentive such as a prize drawing, extra minutes at the park, or bike riding are great ways to encourage children to do well on their job charts.

Regardless of what works for you in a morning routine, may we emphasize that leaving for school or work with a freshly brushed mouth is a critical component of good oral hygiene.

Removing the plaque that builds up as you sleep each morning gives your teeth another line of defense against the bacteria that will be introduced or incubated in your mouth during the day. Everything you can do to keep your mouth clean will result in fewer cavities, diminished bad breath, and healthier gums.

You want your smile to work for you - make sure you work hard for it by keeping it clean and healthy every day!

Concerns about your smile? 
Call us today: