Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bad Breath - Are You Guilty?

Problem: Bad Breath 

Believe me when I say there are many people who have bad breath. Bad breath can be socially awkward, but is also a warning sign of more serious problems. 

Experts say that the strong odor of bad breath is hydrogen sulfide gas, the same gas used in chemical warfare during WWII.  I can be hazardous to your health to breath that 24/7. 


Of course, bad breath can be caused by the foods you eat.  Food left on your between teeth, on your gums and tongue for a long time can ferment giving off a foul odor.  Smoking and other forms of tobacco are also obvious causes.  

Tooth decay and gum disease can also lead to conditions where odors are a result. 

I have often been heard to say, “Bad breath is better than no breath at all!”   

Let’s not give in to bad breath!

  •  Bad Breath: I personally use over-the counter Smart Mouth -12 hour mouth rinse.  We have samples of this product in our office.
  • Again...Be sure to keep your teeth extra clean, especially along the gums and between the teeth.  Also brushing your tongue will help prevent bad breath.
  • The most important time to clean your mouth is just before bed.

How WE can help:

  1. Smart mouth 12 hour mouth rinse – we offer larger bottles than are available in retail stores at a lower cost per ounce.
  2. Regular In office professional cleanings and check-ups can detect and remove accumulations that release objectionable odors.
  3. Gum disease is one of the worst sources of halitosis!  We are on the leading edge of treatment and prevention of gum infections.
                     Call to schedule your 
               professional cleaning today!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Gum Disease = Inflammation = Alzheimer's Disease

Did you know that there is evidence linking the increased likelihood of developing Alzheimer's if you have gum disease?

Dental researches at NYU have found long-term evidence that supports this claim. Dr. Angela Kamer, Assistant Professor of Peridontology & Implant dentistry says, "The research suggests that cognitively normal subjects with periodontal inflammation are at an increased risk of lower cognitive function compared to cognitively normal subjects with little or no periodontal inflammation."

So what can you do about this? Inflammation in your gums is treatable. Dr. Clark has a revolutionary laser treatment that not only eliminates gum disease, but also strengthens and rebuilds gum tissue. This procedure saves teeth, and can save yourself from the potential of increased risk for Alzheimer's.  

Please do not delay in treatment for gum disease. Your very quality of life may depend upon it. Call our office today to schedule a consult with Dr. Clark.

Please feel free to research the LANAP procedure in depth on our website and listen to some patient testimonials of their remarkable experiences with the laser treatment.

Our website:

Additional Testimonials:

Call to schedule your consult today!
(541) 451-1440