Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ready, Set, Quiz Time!

Ready, Set, Quiz Time!

How many of these dental facts did you know? 

How many of the oral hygiene tips do you follow? 

Now that is the real question!

Courtesy of Beacon Cove Dental

Not everyone applies what they know, but we want that to be different for you. Staying up on oral health care is not hard, and the benefits are huge! 

Tell your teeth you are grateful for all they do for you by simply taking care of them. Less than five minutes a day can be the difference between and healthy, happy mouth, or a sad, weak mouth.

Call to schedule your cleaning 
exam before your benefits 
run out!

(541) 451-1440

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

We're Talking Floss!

November 27th is National Flossing Day, did you know that? Flossing is an oft ignored step in an oral health care. Thankfully technology has provided several alternatives to flossing. We are positive one of the options out there will fit your schedule and preferences perfectly. 

Our challenge to you this month is to find a flossing method that works and stick to it. You've heard it takes 21 days to create a habit. We promise after you start flossing regularly, you will notice the difference. You won't like how your teeth feel when you skip flossing, even one time.

Will you accept our challenge?

If you missed the video our hygienist Catherine did last month, take a moment to listen to her four tips for a healthy mouth.

If you have any questions or concerns about flossing, especially if you have bleeding gums, please call us immediately.

(541) 451-4011